
Time, Speed and Skill are the three major requirements to successfully combat a security situation. Many organizations in the current fast paced technological developments require skilled information security professionals to help them achieve their desired security goal. This requirement is a short duration requirement for a specific need, like an Emergency Response Department in a hospital.

Another requirement is for a highly skilled professional’s advise on information security decisions or reviews or assessment, that require the professional’s attention for short duration everyday or week over a period of time.

Our Advisory service caters to this requirement as a retainership, where a highly skilled professional is available to address specific information security requirements

Virtual CISO or vCISO is a service where the experts are engaged for specific duration or for specific projects. Typically, these engagements have agreed scope with the desired outcome that our professionals deliver. The engagements are in hours per month, billable monthly.

The Cyber Threat Intelligence is a subscription service where a team of professionals keep a watch the latest vulnerabilities and the threat vectors that an attacker could use. This timely information combined with the advisory to mitigate them has helped organizations to identify the weakness in their environment at an early stage and prevent a major impact. Our threat intelligence has helped organizations to implement compensating controls to prevent WannaCry and Petya attacks.